If you have followed along for any amount of time I hope that I have made it clear how important I think photos of moms are. We get lost in the shuffle of life. As moms, we wear so many hats – some unexpected. Family Documenter/Photographer is one of them. That being said, I believe it is my job to make sure you show up in your own life. And really, I don’t care who takes your photos, but the following are three photos I think every mom needs!
Newborn/Maternity Photo
This one is two-part – A lot of moms think that maternity photos are something they would never want. I felt like a blimp when I was pregnant so while they were painful to take, I’m so glad that I have them! This time in your life is short-lived, so it is fun to look back at them and remember what it was like. And I think if I feel that way now, I know I will love them even more in 30 years when my kids are having kids.
Have I convinced you yet? If not, then the second part of this is for you. Newborn photos of you with your babies are to be cherished. This comes from a mom who did not have photos taken with her newborns. Now that I have made these images for other women, I am so disappointed that I don’t have them for myself!
You (and you alone) with your Kids
You probably have a million photos of your husband and your kids on your phone right now, but only selfies (if that) of you with your kids. You might have said to your husband, “hey, can you take a picture of me with the kids?” Then when you get it from him (if you ever do) it is terrible, and you have three chins. I promise you that if you have a professional photographer take this same image for you – you will look fabulous and cherish it! So do it – even if it is only once a year – at least then your kids will know you existed!
The Connection of your Family
This one is my personal favorite. We all have images of us with our whole family – and if you don’t you should – but I love images of my family that show a connection. For example, there is an image of me with my daughter at 6 months. She is giving me a kiss in her little baby way and every time I look at it, I can feel that kiss. A family is about connection and in mine we hug/kiss all the time with our littles. It is the best part of my day. So, if I can have that captured now – I know I won’t forget it in 30 years. This might sound cheesy to you, but I desperately don’t want to forget all of this especially in the early years.
Don’t judge me for this, but have you seen “The Family Stone” movie? Yes, it is from 2005 but I watch it every year at Christmas time. At the end of the movie, the girlfriend (Sarah Jessica Parker) gives her boyfriend’s (Dermont Mulroney) family a framed picture of the mother (Diane Keaton) when she is pregnant. The moment is sweet, and the picture is a way to remember the mom. The kids are excited and touched by the image. My hope is that my kids will be too!
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