I’m back! I took a much-needed break over the Holidays to focus on family, and I feel so refreshed from the time with my kids and Scott. We did nothing, and it was terrific. I turned on my out of office notifications and walked away. I can honestly say that in the last three years, I have never done that and stuck to it! I am all caught up with responding to your messages, so if I missed you, please feel free to hound me and say, “what the heck!”
Now, on to the good stuff. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I feel like my first full year of photography was a dream. I crushed all of my goals, and the only person I have to thank is you. You made it possible, and you made the work fun for me. I always tell people that if anyone knew how much of my life I have spent looking at other photographer’s work and dreaming about doing this, you would call me crazy! I feel so blessed to be where I am in 2020! Again, THANK YOU!
As we start a new decade, I hope you can come along for the ride. Watch your email for NEW opportunities in the New Year! (if you are not on the list yet, sign up here) I have mini sessions planned for you and a few new print products that I love. The only way to get better is to have your feedback, so please take the time to give it! I want to know how I can serve you better. On that note, I have added a new way to book a session. By now, you may have checked it out, but it will help us find the best possible time for your session and allow me to communicate better with you before and after a session. If you are interested, you can check it out below.
Okay, enough business! In early December, with the help of a pocket wizard, we took our family photos at the studio! Let me say, taking pictures of yourself is hard, really hard. For the record, I felt like yelling at my kids the whole time, so I know how some of you feel during a session! I find that I am much more patient with your kids than my own! So I guess that is a personal goal for me in 2020: Be more patient with my kids! With that, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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